Archives 2022

Mac Unung Heroes: Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölge Brownluxe’de

Mac Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölge Brownluxe’de (40 $, Mac Kalıcı Koleksiyonunda Şimdi Mevcut)
Derin temizlemenin dezavantajlarından biri (evet, operasyon sh * t birbirlerim hala devam etmektedir), “BÜYÜK KADIN BİLDİRİMİNİ BİR BÜYÜK BİR BÜYÜK BİR HELOD’UN ÖZEL BİR HELOUND bulmak ve” Holy Creaking Crap! Ben bir yığın eski kedi yığını olan kadın ben ofisinde davranır ve ne kadar süredir orada oldukları hakkında hiçbir fikri yok! ”

Günler, hafta, hatta yıllar geçebilirdi ve açıkçası, sekmelerin onları bulamadıklarından şaşırdım, çünkü onları benim için “kaldırmış olacağına eminim.


Hey Kız, Haaaay!
Düşünmeyi tıklatmadan önce, “Bu kadın delilik,” bir noktam var ve bu şöyle: derin temizlikli bir ofisinin ön taraflarından biri, Mac Brownluxe Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölge gibi uzun sevilen ve kaybolan mücevherleri yeniden keşfetmek.

Eğer göz farı takmayı seviyorsanız, ancak harmanlama becerileriniz gibi hissedin ve / veya genellikle kapıyı çıkarmak için acele edersiniz ve / veya / veya üç katmanlı yumuşak kahverengi 217, hayatında buna ihtiyacın var.

“Sınırsız gündüzlü görünüşler için güzel bir şekilde kayan ve harmanlayan beş tamamlayıcı gölgeler: yumurta kabuğu, soğuk turuncu altın, açık sarı çikolata, derin bronz, siyahı plum ile inci. Mat son derece pearlleşmiş kaplamaya. ”


Mac Brownluxe
Mac Brownluxe, Mac Kalıcı Hattında Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölge Ailesine, bir grup toz gölge paletine aittir. Her biri 40 dolara sunulan sekiz veluxe pearlfusion paletlerinden biri.


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

Mac Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölgelerinden birkaçı …
Mac Veluxe PearlFusions, yuvarlak tavalarda gelen normal Mac tozu gölgelerinden farklı bir formüle sahiptir. Daha yumuşak ve ipeksi, neredeyse dokunuşa kremsi hissediyorlar.

Her Veluxe Pearlfusion Paleti (Plumluxe, Copperluxe, Peachluxe, vb.) Kendi kendine özgü bir renk temasına sahiptir ve her palet içinde, bu temayla birlikte çalışmak için elle seçilen beş Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölgeleri elde edersiniz.

Veluxe Pearlfusion Fam’daki favorilerimden biri olan Browluxe, yumuşak, parıltılı bir yumurta kabuğu beji vardır; Saten, orta bir altın tan; ışıltılı, orangey altın; pırıltılı bir çikolata; ve bir parıltılı, derin bir dondurucu kahverengi – Son zamanlarda nasıl hissettiğime dayanarak hayatımın geri kalanında mutlu bir şekilde giyebileceğim tüm renkler, çünkü #datneutrallife ile ilgili.

Mac Veluxe Pearlfusion Gölge NC42 Cildinde Brownluxe Renk Örnekleri
Ama bu sadece sevdiğim brownluxe renkleri değil. Veluxe Pearlfusion formülü aynı zamanda sadece düz bir fab. Gerçekten, karışımı gerçekten kolay. Göz pervazında tamamen yeni olsanız bile, bu renklerin iki ya da üçünü (ya da her beş bile) içeren bir görünüme sahip olabileceğinizi düşünüyorum ve tam olarak ne yaptığınızı bildiğiniz gibi görünmesini sağlayın.

Ne tür bir kozmetik büyücülük işte olduğunu bilmiyorum, ancak muhtemelen kremsi formülüyle ilgilidir. Renkler arasındaki kenarları silme ve hafifçe karanlığa sorunsuz bir şekilde geçiş yapan dağınık gradyanlar yaratan, bir süredir harmanlayan birinin telltale işaretleri bu gölgelerle kolaydır.

Brownluxe her zaman geç kalıyorsanız en iyisidir (hayatımın hikayesi). Dün, bazı güzellik milletleri olan şehirdeki bir toplantıya giydim ve sadece baştan sona tam bir makyaj yüzünü yapmak için 20 dakikam vardı. Brownluxe, parlak bir sıcak pembe dudak (Mac pembe güvercin) ile eşleştirdiğim nötr bir kedi gözü yapmama yardım etti ve bence 20 yerine 45 dakika harcadığım gibi göründüğünü düşünüyorum.

Gözlerimde Mac Brownluxe giyiyor

Brownluxe’nin, Brownluxe’nin, gölgelerde yeni olan herkes için müthiş olacağına inanıyorum. Newbies, seninle konuşuyorum! Onunla iyi vakit geçirirsiniz ve daha sonra, daha fazla renkle keşfettikten ve denendikten sonra, bu aynı nötrleri daha parlak görünümünüze çalıştırırsınız.

Ayrıca, Veluxe Pearlfusion Tavalarının şekli gibi de bahsetmem gereken birkaç şey var. Onlar uzun ve ince, bu yüzden büyük bir göz fırçası kullanmaya çalışırken bile rahatsız etmeyin. Sadece komşu tavalardan renk alacaktı. Bunlarla çalıştığımda, her zaman Mac 239 ve Mac 217 gibi daha küçük fırça kafaları olan fırçaları kullanırım ve zaman zaman karışımda bir kalem fırçası alacağım, çünkü kirpik çizgilerimi lekelerim gibi.

Ayrıca, fazlalığı gidermek ve serpinti azaltmak için önce fırçanıza dokununduğunuzdan emin olun. Tekrar söylüyorum: Önce fırçanıza dokunun. Önce fırçanıza dokunun.

Gerçekten önce fırçanıza dokunmalısın. Çünkü bu gölgelerin bazıları küçük bir sergi sergiliyor. Ama bu önemli bir miktar değil.

Gözlerimde Mac Brownluxe giyiyor
Ve sonra gurur verici yüzeyler var. Kız, büyüdükçe (haha), pırıltılı bir ürünün cildimde gerçekten okuduğu gibi şeyler, gerçekten önemli, ve bu ışıltının yolunu seviyorum. Kapaklar üzerinde ipeksi pürüzsüz görünüyorlar, hatta ince çizgilerle kapaklar bile (Ahem, benim gibi). Almosusulca parlayan ezilmiş inciler giydiğiniz gibi … çok zarif ve Chanel’de bulabileceğiniz şeye benzer.

Aşınma süresi de kötüdür. Dün uzun bir gün geçirdim ve 12 saat sonra bile, kapaklarımda yumuşakça parıldayan BrownLuxe gölgelerin görebiliyorum (referans için, yağlı / kuru cilt var).

Brownluxe aşkı yaymam gerektiğini hissediyorum. Bunu dinleyecek olan herkesle konuşacağım ve eğer bunu bu yazıdan yaptıysanız, umarım bir deneyin. Sanırım harika bir şey bulacaksın.


Dost canlısı mahalle güzellik bağımlısı,



Mac Unung Heroes Serisi (Düzenli Unsung Makyaj Heroes Series’imin bir alt kümesi), Mac’in kalıcı koleksiyonundan tüm zamanlarımın en sevdiğim ürünümden bazılarına sahiptir.

Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Fleur Güç Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: İsviçre Çikolata Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Kosta Riche Eye Kohl
Mac Unung Heroes: Skinfinish doğal mineralize
Mac Unung Heroes: Havana’da Mac Ekstra Boyut Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Hindiba Dudak Kalemi
Mac Unung Heroes: Füme Badem Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Yarım ‘n Yarı ruj
Mac Unsung Heroes: Chili Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Kahve Göz Kalemi
Mac Unung Heroes: Global Glow’da Skinfinish Mineralize
Mac Unung Heroes: Havana’da Mac Ekstra Boyut Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Yanmış Baharatta Retro Mat Sıvı Lipcolour
Mac Unung Heroes: Mineralize Vakfı / Gevşek
Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Giddy Cilası Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Studio Fix Sıvı Vakfı
Mac unung kahramanlar: aşk alaşımlı göz farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Doku Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Hazırlık + Başbakan 24 saatlik göz tabanı
Mac Unung Heroes: İsviçre Çikolata Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Eyer Göz Farı
Unsung Heroes: Ekstra Boyutlu Mac Su Geçirmez Maskara
Mac Unung Heroes: Ezilen Göz Kohl
Mac Unung Heroes: Dalma Technakohl Astarını Alın
Mac unung kahramanlar: mantar göz farı
Mac Unung Heroes: 221 Mini Konik Karıştırma Fırçası
Mac Unsung Heroes: MatchMaster Gölge Zekası Kompakt
Mac unung kahramanları: mac oh mocha göz farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Lilaged’de PRO Longwear Su Geçirmez Renk Sopa
Mac Unsung Heroes: Saten Taupe Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Yüksek Çay Rujı
Mac Unung Heroes: BlooZ Göz Kohl
Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Fleur Güç Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Layin ‘Düşük Boya Tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: Yapılandırmacı Boya Tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: Hazırlık + Prime Düzeltme +
Mac Unung Heroes: Skinfinish doğal mineralize
Mac Unsung Heroes: Kalıcılık Mat Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Brownluxe’de Voluxe Pearlfusion Gölge
Mac Unung Heroes: Kosta Riche Eye Kohl
Mac Unung Heroes: Stüdyo Chromagraphic Kalemleri
Mac Unung Heroes: Brun Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: STAUNCHLY Şık Pro Longwear Dudak Kalemi
Mac Unsung Heroes: Mac Sıcak Soul Mineralsiz Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Antik Altın Glitter’ı yansıtır
Mac Unung Heroes: Stil Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Lightswep’te Pudra Şekillendirme
Mac Unung Heroes: ressamda pro longwear boya tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: Era Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Bronz Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Bal Kaba Göz Farı
Mac Unsung Heroes: Sun Rush Luster Damlaları
Mac Unung Heroes: Güzel Buzz Plushglass
Mac unung kahramanlar: 33 kirpik
Mac unung kahramanlar: şeyl göz farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Uyum Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Careblends Preslenmiş Toz
Mac Unsung Heroes: Yerine Getirilmiş Plushglass
Mac Unung Heroes: Bambu Boya
Mac unung kahramanlar: yüce doğa boyası
Mac Unung Heroes: Yüz ve Vücut Vakfı
Mac Unung Heroes: Prunella Göz Kohl
Mac Unung Heroes: 239 Göz Shader Fırçası
Mac Unung Heroes: GreensMoke Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Geniş Pembe Plushglass
Mac Unsung Heroes: Indianwood Boya Tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: Çıplak çalışma boya tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: Rubenesque Boya Tenceresi
Mac Unung Heroes: TARNISH EYE KOHL
Mac Unung Heroes: Büyük Bebek Plushglass
Mac Unung Heroes: Kohl Güç Kalem Lineri
Mac Unsung Heroes: Format Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Ambering Gül Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Gümüş Alacakaranlıkta Mac Yanardöner Toz / Gevşek
Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Yanardöner Toz / Golo Golden Bronz
Mac Unung Heroes: C-Thru Lipglass
Mac Unung Heroes: Taze Flare Pro Longwear Göz Farı
Mac Unsung Heroes: Viva Glam V Lipglas
Mac Unung Heroes: Loud & Lovely Kremeshen Cam
Mac unung kahramanlar: viva glam vi lipglass
Mac Unung Heroes: Breezy Sheertone Pırıltılı Allık
Mac Unung Heroes: Bakım Maddeleri Hayati Yağlar, Greyfurt + Papatya
Mac Unung Heroes: Hazırlık + Başbakan Vibriği Göz Astarı
Mac Unung Heroes: Sağ Görüntü Kremeshen Cam
Mac unung kahramanlar: alçakgönüllü kremeshen ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Çift Dara Kremesi Lipglas
Mac Unung Heroes: Bambu Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Louster Cremesheen Ruj.
Mac Unung Heroes: Sandy B Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Kulüp Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Üniforma Technakohl Astarı
Mac Unung Heroes: Tatlı Memnuniyet Pro Longwear Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: Mac Kırmızı Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Bayan Tehlike Ruj
Mac unung kahramanlar: cazipGöz farı
Mac Unsung Heroes: Ruby Woo Ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Retrospeck Göz Farı
Mac Unung Heroes: PHLOOF’ta Göz Farı!
Mac unung kahramanlar: dal ruj
Mac Unung Heroes: Kahvenizdeki Krema Ruj

Bahar ve Smokey! Smokey Brown yanı sıra mor kedi gözlerinin yanı sıra, Faydası, Dior’un yanı sıra Smashbox

güneşin yanı sıra parlak bir mercan dudakının yanı sıra güneşin dışında, çorap kullanmıyorum (ayak özgürlüğü!), Kullanıyorum Mercan ruj, göz aramasının yanı sıra bu sabah denedim, toplam felakete neden olmadı …

Evet, şu ana kadar mükemmel bir salı oldu.


Bugün esnek hissettim ve ben Dunno, Kinda Smokey, bu yüzden bu çoklu kahverengi smokey gözü yumuşak kedi gözü ile oldu.

Kendine not: bu astarı daha sık daha sık yapın! Nispeten basit – sadece bir kalem temizle karıştırılmış koyu pırıltılı mor gölge ile sadece siyah göz kalemi – yanı sıra inanılmaz derecede net bir kara kedi astarı olarak, aksi takdirde “Makyajımın zaman emeği” olarak anlaşılandır. varoluş.”

Bir taraf olarak, düzenli olarak, kesinlikle hazırlanmak için kesinlikle hiçbir zaman olmadığında, aynı zamanda kaçınılmaz olarak iki küçük yavru kedi fısklılarıyla büyük, simetrik yarasa kanatları ile ilgili olarak sona erdiğinde Bu eşleşmiyor mu?


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al


Siri, bana bir dahaki sefere kendimden kurtulma ihtiyacım olan gibi yumuşak kedi eyeliner giymemi hatırlatıyor.

Ey! – Bu görünüm aynı şekilde, birkaç yeni üründen faydadan, Dior ve Smashbox’tan denemek için bir nedendi.

Bazı hızlı notlar …

Yardımın yeni silindiri kirpik curling maskara – bu şeyler siyah, yanı sıra parlak, yanı sıra bukleler de kaldırır, ancak kesinlikle ıslakken kirpiklerinizi tarak yapmanız gerekir; Aksi takdirde, kafeteryadaki kadınları göstermek gibi bir araya gelecekler.

Dior’un Çıplak Air Serum Vakfı – Bu hafif, orta kaplama hibrit cilt bakımı Serum / Vakfı ciltte dikkat çekici görünüyor. Sephora’daki homegirl, gölge 040’da bir yağlı bo-batty örneğiyle beni (‘Sup Nini!), Yanı sıra yüzeyin … büyük olasılıkla 53 büyük (53 $) tam olarak atılmayacağım. boyut değiştirme.
Evet, o kadar iyi.

Smashbox çift pozlama kombinasyonu – YEP, bu muhteşem, esas olarak soğuk tonlu tonlar karışımı için bir rüya.

Bu görünüm için kullandığım önemli ürünler

Bu görünümde kullandığım önemli ürünler

Chanel Les 4 Ombres Poesie’de Göz Farı (Koyu Mor Gölgeyi Islattım ve Feline Eyeliner için kullandım.

Smashbox çift pozlama kombinasyonu (kapakların etrafında bej gölge, yanı sıra morun yanı sıra kahverengi tonlar kırışıklığa girdi)

Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Doğal

040 Bal Bej Diorskin Çıplak Hava Serum Vakfı

MACE KOKUYOR Mac Dudak Kalemi

Büyüleyici mac ruj

Nars çift yoğunluklu panik içinde utangaç (her iki gölgeyi birlikte karıştırdım)

Nars Jübilasyonda Çift Yoğunluklu Allık (Şeftali Gölgesi Vurgulayıcı olarak kullanılır)

033 Sun Bronz’da Rimmel Doğal Bronzlaştırıcı

Fayda rulo lash maskara

Rouge Bunny Rouge Feline Salome’da Göz Kalemi Bakın


Bu, büyük, düzensiz bir çörek, inci küpeler ve çiçek-baskı elbisesi ile inanılmaz derecede sevimli olmaz mıydı? Bir dahaki sefere birileri beni yüksek çayıma davet ediyor (ipucu, ipucu … yapalım !!!), sallayacağım.

Dost canlısı topluluk temyiz bağımlısı,


Makyaj ve Temyiz Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 430

delighted Fourth! shades from top to bottom by Essie: Hiking Heels, Coconut Cove and Loot the Booty
Merak ediyor olabilirsiniz, “Öyleyse, bu mazmada bu pazartesi anket anketi neyse!?”?

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. It’s a lot more of a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past eight (!) years. (Beyniniz için bir tekme işlemi gibi.) Yorumlardaki cevaplarınızı okumaktan her zaman zevk aldım ve umarım benimkileri okumaktan zevk alırsınız.

Have you ever worn “Instagram makeup”?
Yeeeeeah, totes! I went through a phase a while back when I was all about the incredibly sharp brow tail, the bronzer you could see from across the Pacific Ocean, haha! room, the lashes and the overdrawn lip — the whole Instagram makeup kit and caboodle.

It was fun, and I’ll still go that far on occasion.

How did you style your hair today?
So, lately I’ve had ZERO imagination when it pertains to my hair. absolutely zilch. Nada. Hiçbiri. Like, all of the energy I used to use to keep my hair looking somewhat respectable has been diverted toward other pursuits, like changing Connor’s onesie every five minutes. (How does a baby get so dirty? I honestly don’t know.)

So today my hair is up in a high pony, which will probably morph into a messy bun over the course of the next five minutes.

What makes you feel hopeful?
Reading my horoscope (can I get an amen from all my Gemini girls?), seeing people help one another, random acts of kindness and enjoying the sun rise above the oak trees outside my window.

Five words that describe your home?
Messy but full of love.

East coast or West Coast?
West Coast, baby! I grew up here and absolutely identify with that Cali life.

Something you need to get rid of but can’t?
Ohmygawd, the 10 million bottles of nearly finished body lotion in my bathroom.

I don’t know why I do this, but I feel like I have to use every single, solitary last drop — even the tiny droplets that cling to the insides of the tube or bottle — before I can throw one out.

So I’ll leave them upside down all over the counters just to be able to use those last few precious drops, but the thing is…this leads to me having multiple bottles of generally empty lotion all over the place.

It drives me (and El Hub, truth be told) absolutely nuts.


But I can’t stop!

Senin sıran. Aşağıdaki soruları yalnızca cevaplarınızla bir yoruma kopyalayıp yapıştırın. Onları okumayı dört gözle bekliyorum!

1. have you ever worn “Instagram makeup”?
2. how did you style your hair today?
3. What makes you feel hopeful?
4. five words that describe your home?
5. east coast or West Coast?
6. Something you need to get rid of but can’t?

Hey bebek! delighted fourth of July! I hope your day is filled with fun, fireworks and delicious barbecue. If you don’t mind, please save me the sides, will ya? I’m all about that potato salad and corn on the cob.

A little later this morning, we’ll probably go to Petaluma for lunch, just to get out of the house. We like to time it just ideal around Connor Claire’s meals, so we’ll get everything ready — her baby bag with the wipes and diapers and stuff, her stroller and Sophie the Giraffe — then we’ll change her, feed her and GO, GİT GİT! and try to make it back home before the next feeding time, haha!


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al


It’s a process.

Dost canlısı mahalle temyiz bağımlısı,


Three rich Bestsellers get a Makeover: Introducing the new Self-Preserving dream Cream, ocean Salt as well as Mask of Magnaminty

The new rich Self-Presrving ocean Salt deal with as well as Body Scrub ($35.95 for an 8.8-oz jar), one of three recently reformulated rich best-sellers
Next time you occur to pass within 100 lawns of a rich store as well as catch yourself breathing deeply of its aromatic aroma (“ah…”), I motivate you to comply with your nose as well as stop by.

The business just reformulated a few of its many prominent products, making them from thus forth “self-preserving.”


LUSH dream cream Hand as well as Body Lotion, ocean Salt deal with as well as Body Scrub as well as Mask of Magnaminty deal with as well as Back pack are now all “self-preserving.”

The new rich Self-Preserving products
Self-Preserving ocean Salt
Self-Preserving dream Cream
Self-Preserving Mask of Magnaminty
So — self-preserving — what does that really mean?

Well, it’s rich lingo for “We reformulated a few of our bestselling products to make them much more natural.”


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

LUSH eliminated the synthetic preservatives, which were already quite very little (small amounts of methylparaben as well as proplyparaben), according to rich product fitness instructor Jeff Brown, as well as replaced them with preservatives that the typical person can really pronounce, like honey, clay, cocoa butter, vegetable glycerin as well as sea salt…and tofu (say wha?!).

They likewise decreased the water material in the products, which they did to dissuade bacterial growth. less water implies less area for microorganisms to multiply.

Dream cream is $26.95 for an 8.4-oz. kavanoz; ocean Salt is $21.95 for a 4.2-oz. jar as well as $35.95 for an 8.8-oz. kavanoz; as well as Mask of Magnaminty is $12.95 for a 4.4-oz jar as well as $24.95 for a 11.1-oz. kavanoz. All three products are offered now at rich counters, stores as well as on the internet at

Self-Preserving dream Cream
Self-Preserving ocean Salt
Mask of Magnaminty (honey is now the very first ingredient)
Mask of Magnaminty ingredients
Self-Preserving ocean Salt ingredients
Self-Preserving dream Cream
The very first thing I discovered about these new formulas (I’ve utilized the previous versions of all three) was exactly how much thicker as well as richer they feel.

I type of like it (as do my alligator shins).

Now, with the thicker formulas, I likewise feel like I can get away with utilizing less of each product.

Other than the method they feel, all three of these seem the exact same as the older versions, as well as I believe they work just as well.

Dream cream still smells like an entire field of lavender, as well as it hydrates the heck out of my hands as well as my parmesan cheese rind-like heels.

Ocean Salt still smells like sliced limes, as well as scrubbing with it makes my skin softer than Brad Pitt’s freshly shaved cheeks.

Mask of Magnaminty still smells just as minty as ever, as well as it defends my chin from the acne that always threatens to flare up whenever “Aunt Flo” stops by for a visit.


That reminds me…has anybody seen my box of PMS tea? since I really, truly requirement it, as well as if I don’t discover it soon, bad El Hub will bear the brunt of my hormonally induced rage.

Dost canlısı topluluk cazibesi bağımlısı,


Look best naked With metropolitan Decay naked Skin One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector

metropolitan Decay One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfectors (SPF 20)
In the summertime I’m all about light, dewy coverage.

I know, I know, I work in an office…but when I’m not stuck sitting at my desk, as well as I’m out somewhere really having fun in the sun as well as the warm weather, it’s great to not feel weighed down by a heavy base product, as well as even though I’m a fair-skinned SPF freak, it’s always a relief understanding that my foundation, BB cream or tinted moisturizer are likewise there to add a bit additional oomph where sun security is endişeli.


Urban Decay just recently released the most beach bag-friendly base product a woman might want, an oil-free formulation with SPF20 that’s indicated to even out your general skin tone as well as blur flaws while keeping you looking natural as well as fresh, as well as it’s called naked Skin One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector (I attempt you to state that a person five times fast!).

Available in 6 shades for $34 each, it’s perfect for quick makeup application or touch-ups on the go after a day at the beach or an afternoon by the pool.

UD’s official description states it all…


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

“We’re not precisely what you phone call low-maintenance when it pertains to appeal (and we’re not ashamed to admit it). however we’re a lot more than delighted to take a shortcut or two — as long as it doesn’t look like we did. THIS is one of those times. naked Skin One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector combines all the benefits of skin treatment as well as security with the protection of a sheer foundation. This multitasking cream is the very best of both worlds”

Wearing metropolitan Decay One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector in Light
Urban Decay One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfectors in Light, medium Light, Medium, medium Deep, Dark as well as Deep

One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector is perfect for your beach bag (or summertime vacation overnight tote) since it has the most best packaging, as well as it’s oh, so simple to apply.

Urban Decay went above as well as beyond with the foundation-style pump that dispenses the best amount of product, so as not to be wasteful. two or three pumps completely covers my deal with without the mess of a standard tube.

On top of having dazzling packaging, these apply just also with clean fingers as they make with a brush, making them perfect for when you’re headed someplace in a hurry as well as seeking to bring along the bare minimum number of products.

Snazzy summer time packaging!
Unfortunately, tinted moisturizers as well as BB creams frequently are “one size fits all” in terms of offered colors as well as are available in just two or three shades. Well, metropolitan Decay’s shade choice for the One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfectors is rather generous. ranging from fair as well as cool-toned to deep, warmer shades, the six offered colors cover a comfortable choice that must fit a lot of complexions. Yaaas!

In terms of formula, the declares are true! This is among the much better “perfecting” base products I’ve ever used. The emollient formula blends quickly as well as supplies ample time to apply, drying down to a demi matte surface that’s not as well matte. metropolitan Decay’s formula consists of “light diffusing spheres” (I’d like to understand what these look like under a microscope), which even out as well as illuminate the skin. packed with advantageous as well as nutrient rich ingredients, including extracts from the “wu zhu yu” plant (fancy!), it makes my skin feel much better after I eliminate it in the evening than it did before I used it that morning.

Urban Decay One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfectors in Light, medium Light, Medium, medium Deep, Dark as well as Deep


I’ve been favoring naked Skin One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector in Light — even though it’s far from summertime where I online — as well as I can’t believe exactly how lots of compliments I’ve gotten on my skin. If I like the look as well as feel of a product, as well as I get compliments, I tend to believe that my base has passed the test.

Five stars ★★★★★ for these perfectors, as well as for the truth that they indicate I can keep making racy puns with the word “Naked” in them since of the name (I can’t resist).

Have you tried metropolitan Decay naked Skin One & Done hybrid skin tone Perfector or discovered one more outstanding summertime base product this year? Do tell.

Blue Monday, Take 2: A deal with of the Day With the Tom Ford Unabashed Eye as well as Cheek Compact

In its former life, this ratty blue wig was part of a last-minute Halloween homage to Katy Perry. It has considering that progressed into one of Tabs’ preferred toys.

He stalks it, swats it as well as generally beats-it-the-eff-up whenever he’s “supervising” me in my office.


Doopdadoo, don’t mind me…
I must most likely retire it already, seeing as exactly how it’s clearly on its last legs, however I keep it around to startle my neighbors (a preferred pastime of mine) as well as take crazy-@ss photos when the mood strikes.

‘K. Now, exactly how about the exact same makeup look, however with a bit less crazy?

This was just one more handle the Tom Ford Unabashed Eye as well as Cheek Compact.


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

I’ve been all about that matte blue eyeshadow in the corner (it’s SO pigmented!) as well as have been playing with it a lot.

This time I desired the look to lean a lot more blue than teal, so I didn’t utilize the golden bronzer/highlighter as an eyeshadow base as well as put the blue shade directly on my lids.

Then I incorporated a few other shadows that aren’t in the compact — a bright purple on the inner lid as well as a shimmery white in the inner corner.

When doing strong blue eyeshadow appears like this, I like to add lighter shades in the inner part of the eye since I feel like they brighten whatever up as well as contrast well with the blue.

This way, you still get the blue — I mean, it ain’t goin’ anywhere — however the look doesn’t ended up being a solo attraction, if that makes any type of sense.

Her kimse! Here’s the scoop on the eyes…

Matte blue eyeshadow on the outer lid, outer corner as well as along my lower lash line: Blue shade from the Tom Ford Unabashed Compact

Inner crease: Matte taupe eyeshadow from the Tom Ford Unabashed Compact

Shimmery purple eyeshadow on the inner lid as well as inner lash line: metropolitan Decay Eyeshadow in Flash

Shimmery white in the inner corner: White eyeshadow from the Tom Ford emerald Lust quad

Black liner on upper as well as lower water line: Guerlain Eye Pencil in Black Jack

False lashes: MAC 36 Lash

And for the rest of the look…

Brows: MAC Fluidline Brow Gelecreme in Deep Dark Brunette

Primer: Guerlain Meteorites Pearls Light Diffusing Primer

Foundation: BECCA Matte Skin radiate proof in Bamboo

Under eye concealer: MAC Prep + Prime Highlighter in bright Forecast, MAC pro Longwear Concealer as well as Trish McEvoy Line Refiner

Bronzer: MAC additional dimension Bronzer in Delphic (from the new Alluring Aquatic collection)

Highlighter: MAC Prep + Prime Highlighter in Light Boost

Blush: MAC additional dimension blush in Sea Me, hear Me (also from Alluring Aquatic)

Gloss: NARS Lip Gloss in Giza

Did you occur to wear anything blue today too? if not what colors did you go with?

Ever a lot more Netflix binging: cafe de Flore

Saw this yesterday as well as haven’t stopped believing about it. cafe de Flore — it’s a Canadian film in French, so yes, unless you understand Français, you’ll have to checked out subtitles.

It’s…kind of difficult to explain. I don’t want to provide away the movie, however let’s just state that it’s a like story with something fantastical as well as somewhat sci-fi about it. It kind of jumps around in time between a mom as well as her kid in Paris in the ’70s (I think) as well as a daddy as well as his household in present-day Montreal.

I type of had to pay close attention, as well as the motion picture took a while to get going, however when the huge expose happened, I was like, “WHAT THE WHAT?!?”

So yeah, if you choose to enjoy it, hang in there till the extremely end. You’ll be richly rewarded.


Hope your Monday was a great one.

Dost canlısı topluluk temyiz bağımlısı,


Taking the concept of “blue Mondays” to literal levels…

Blue Monday, Take 3: Laura Mercier’s summertime in St. Tropez Baked Eye Colour Quad
Blue Monday, Take 2: A deal with of the Day With the Tom Ford Unabashed Eye as well as Cheek Compact
A Monday deal with of the Day With the new Tom Ford Unabashed Eye as well as Cheek Compact

Mac Mia Moretti Koleksiyonu: Çok İlk İzlenimler [Video]

İşte Dealio: Mac ve bir DJ, Mia Moretti adında bir araya geldi, bazı harika melodiler için bir araya geldi!

Evet, bunun herhangi bir anlam ifade ettiğini anlamıyorum. Fakat yeni Mac Mia Moretti koleksiyonunu üretmek için bir araya geldiler.


Dj-ing hakkında çok fazla şey anlamıyorum, ama bu lansman hakkında biraz anlıyorum. Büyüleyici kremlerin büyük fırsatları, bazı sıcak yaz saati renkleri ve biraz kutu dışı dudak paleti. Üç kelime: Eco dostu ruj nane.

Biraz daha sıcak olsaydı, şimdi Ray-Ban Avcılarında, bir mayo, plaj havlusu, bazı dergilerde ve bu koleksiyonda bulunan havuzun yanında olurdum, çünkü bana yazıyorum havuz başı bebeğim.


Hala parçaları anlamaya başlıyorum, ama tam burada bazı ön ilk izlenimler / düşünceler.

Dost canlısı topluluk cazibesi bağımlısı,


My LoTD With the Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey nude as well as twist Up Longwear liner in Black diamond

Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey nude ($7.99) as well as twist Up Longwear liner in Black diamond ($7.99)
Do ya’ll ever just try a product, no matter what type of product it is, as well as realize…

“How did I online my life before this? exactly how might I potentially have functioned as a human being before I had this [wonderful thing] in my life?”


That’s exactly how I felt when I found the Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Lip Crayons.

I just recently got my very first Sonia Kashuk products, her Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey nude as well as twist Up Longwear Gel eyeliner in Black Diamond, as well as I haven’t been disappointed.

I’ve always been curious about the line, eyeing it each time I’m at my regional Target store, however nothing had ever pushed me toward one thing or one more (with the exception of this clean cup).

Then this happened.

Sonia’s Velvety Matte Lip crayons have totally altered my belief in the entire lip crayon viewpoint as well as model.

I’ve always discovered other lip crayons to be so hit or miss. If they’re as well big, they can feather easily, as well as if they’re as well skinny, they feel extremely dry, however to me the Velvety Matte Lip crayons are similar to, if not much better than, the NARS velvet Matte Lip Pencils.

I’ve been utilizing as well as loving them in one of my preferred looks, which is a easy feline eye with a strong lip. even when I’m just going to a coffee shop to compose or get some other work done, I try to put a bit makeup on since it makes me feel good, as well as because this look was so simple to produce in a matter of minutes with these lip crayons, I believed I’d share my quick LoTD (Lips of The Day).

Rosey? Evet. Çıplak? Not a chance.

After starting with moisturizer as well as a easy BB cream (I such as this one by Loreal), I dusted my deal with with a matte powder (the one imagined above from Rimmel) as well as thought about my deal with done. My acne hasn’t been acting up lately, so I didn’t feel the requirement for heavier coverage.

After tight-lining my eyes with twist Up Longwear Gel eyeliner in Black Diamond, I swept the pencil along my lid in a somewhat thick line. I wished to emulate a feline eye that I may finish with a liquid liner. The liner itself is extremely simple to manipulate, however feels much more like a kohl than a gel.

From L-R: Sonia Kashuk twist Up Longwear liner in Black Diamond, Velvety Matte Lip Crayon in Rosey Nude, as well as NARS velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Cruella for comparison.
This color combo is, to quote Nicole, what I would phone call my “power colors.” I go back to them once again as well as again. They make me feel confident, they quickly choose any type of ensemble, as well as they compliment so numerous different skin tones.

At very first I believed Sonia’s Rosey nude may be a dupe for NARS Cruella, however after realizing exactly how much much more of a blue-toned red Cruella is, I believe it’s a much better match for NARS Dragon Girl.

The formula is extremely similar to the NARS lip pencils, however is, I believe, less drying.


The finest thing about these Sonia Kashuk Velvety Matte Crayons, though? I used one coat when I took the picture above right here in this post, as well as for science, of course, took this (not so great) sunset selfie on my method house at least five hours later.

No touch ups!
Tek kat! After a number of coffees! as well as it appears like I didn’t eat or drink a thing. NARS can’t even provide me that, at least not without some flaking.

What’s your ride-or-die lip pencil? Does having a easy look that you understand you can always go back to make things simpler for you like it does for me? bana bildirin!

Sekmeler ile Pazarlar Kedi, Makyaj, Plej Blog Mascot, Vol. 341

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the cat, commonly thought about “the world’s very first plus-size kitty supermodel.” 2012 ortasında kurulan, hızlı bir şekilde, dünyadaki en öne çıkan kedi önerileri sütunu olan – yaşam tarzı, modada taze, kedilerin yanı sıra insanları da etkileyen tarz problemlerini karşılamak için anlaşılmıştır.

Cat concerns decision to go after acting

DEAR TABBY: very first things first: delighted Easter. say thanks to you so much for reading my letter.

My concern for you refers to acting. Basically, I just experienced the most humiliating moment of my life, as well as it has left me doubting my decision to step out right here to Hollywood.


Earlier this week I auditioned for a part as a character called “The Easter Bunny” in a production at the close-by mall. My agent stated it would be a prestigious stepping stone in my career, however it [turned out to be] a humiliating disaster.

Like lots of cats, when I moved out right here from the Midwest, I had stars in my eyes. I wished to be the next Tabs or Morris, however “the biz” hasn’t been what I expected at all.

No one takes me seriously! The only functions I ever get are commercials, as well as I never get any type of speaking lines.


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

So that audition I mentioned? — they wouldn’t even let me into the mall. I was told, “Sorry, buddy. No cats allowed.”

Buna inanabiliyor musun? as well as I trained near Juilliard.

Anyway, now I’m doubting my decision to step out here. I’m six years old, as well as I’m not getting any type of younger. Do you believe I must keep trying, or must I take this as a indication as well as provide up acting?


Did Morris provide up?

DEAR THOR: Did Morris provide up when they told him he was as well orange for television? Of program not. In this business, you can’t take the rejection seriously. It occurs to us all.

The Easter Bunny just wasn’t the ideal function for you. When you’re truly prepared to provide up, you’ll understand it. You won’t requirement to request my viewpoint or any individual else’s.

Stay strong, believe in your craft, as well as keep trying. Also, look for chances close to home.

Perhaps method running lines with your assistant. I do that sometimes. Act calm, great as well as collected one minute, as well as then totally shift gears as well as flip out. It’s a great exercise.

Kitty seeks huge city fashion advice

DEAR TABBY: My assistant as well as I just recently relocated the office from the West coastline to downtown new York, as well as I’m having a difficult time adjusting to the fast-paced environment. I haven’t been sleeping well during the daytime at all, as well as now I’m nervously licking my fur.

Everything right here is just different. a lot more formal, I guess? I can’t rather put my paw on it, however I’m trying to make the very best of the situation.

One thing I’ve observed is the street style. The cats right here like to gown up, however I’m not a kitty clothes horse. I don’t understand the very first thing about fashion. Do you have any type of basic ideas to assist me in shape in much better with these elegant locals?

Samimi olarak,

Fashion is life

DEAR TWEETY: I believe you’re smart to step up your fashion game a little, particularly if you want to break into the east coastline kitty modeling as well as feline fashion scenes (you didn’t say).

Since I work both coasts, I comply with a formula: whenever I’m working in new York, I begin with whatever I would have used in California, however I wear it in black instead. For example, if I would have used my preferred blue tie to an interview in California, in new York I’ll wear a black tie instead. This is to fit for the a lot more trendy east coat lifestyle.

Cat considers a major occupation change

DEAR TABBY: Lately I’ve been feeling extremely unfulfilled. See, I’ve been working as a safety guard for a group of cats who… Well, never mind what they do. Önemli değil. I just don’t take pleasure in doing it anymore. I want to try something new (accounting), however I don’t understand exactly how to go about getting the appropriate training.

I’ve used to lots of universities (both CSU as well as UC systems), however it’s not working out. None of them even respond.

So I’m wondering about on the internet degree programs. are there any type of you like, as well as do you believe they’ll work for cats?

Senin arkadaşın,

Always aim for excellence

DEAR STRAWBERRY: Oh, absolutely, they work. I hold four degrees, all of which I acquired on the internet utilizing my iPhone.

Most big institutions offer on the internet classes now, as well as personally, I don’t believe the institution matters as much as the specific program. It depends upon the field you want to study.Muhasebe için, çok iyi bir seçenek olduğuna inanıyorum. Şimdi Berkeley ile İnternet Muhasebe Programlarını alarak gerçekten iyi bir arkadaşım var. Başvuru sürecinde yardımcısı sırasında yardımcısı, internet uygulamalarının çoğu, parmağın yanı sıra parmaklarıyla birlikte insan kursiyerleri ile de anlaşılacağı için yardımcı oldu.

Hırsınızı, çileğinizi alkışlıyorum. Araştırma çalışması zor. Seni destekliyorum.

Kedi yeni oda arkadaşı sessiz tedavisi tarafından rahatsız

Sevgili Tabby: Tabby, yeni oda arkadaşım, şimdiye kadar tanıdığım en garip kedi. Onun adı Bunny, yanı sıra varlığımı bile onaylamayı reddetti.

Bana bir kelime değil, iki hafta sonra taşındığını düşünerek tek bir kelime belirtmedi. Benimle yemek yemiyor, benimle dolaşıyor, benimle temiz. Kedi kulesine tırmanmaz, dışarıdaki kuşları takip etmiyor, oyuncaklarla oynamıyor. Bu sadece garip!

Onu, diğer gecede sos akşam yemeğinde tercih ettiğim beyaz sindirimden birkaçını kullandığımda, atlamanın yanı sıra iki koku aldı.

Ben bir kayıptayım. Ne yapacağımı anlamıyorum, ancak bu durumun çalışmasını gerçekten istiyorum. Ne yapmalıyım?

– Wendy

Bazen sadece oturup, Catnip’e inanıyorum …

Sevgili Wendy: Bunny Catnip hakkında tam olarak nasıl hissediyor? Her türlü ilgi oranı gösteriyor mu? Bir şey bana olacağını söylüyor.


Bunny’nin gerçekten bir tavşan olduğu olasılığını eğlendirdiniz mi? Onun değişmeyen doğasını tarif eder.

Hayatımda bir dizi tavşan anlaştım, hem de onları anlarken oldukça kolay olabilirler. son derece sevimli. Buna değer, tatmin ettiğim her biri bir vejeteryandı.

Her zaman çok sevgi, hem de memnun Paskalya.