Makyaj ve Temyiz Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 430

delighted Fourth! shades from top to bottom by Essie: Hiking Heels, Coconut Cove and Loot the Booty
Merak ediyor olabilirsiniz, “Öyleyse, bu mazmada bu pazartesi anket anketi neyse!?”?

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. It’s a lot more of a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past eight (!) years. (Beyniniz için bir tekme işlemi gibi.) Yorumlardaki cevaplarınızı okumaktan her zaman zevk aldım ve umarım benimkileri okumaktan zevk alırsınız.

Have you ever worn “Instagram makeup”?
Yeeeeeah, totes! I went through a phase a while back when I was all about the incredibly sharp brow tail, the bronzer you could see from across the Pacific Ocean, haha! room, the lashes and the overdrawn lip — the whole Instagram makeup kit and caboodle.

It was fun, and I’ll still go that far on occasion.

How did you style your hair today?
So, lately I’ve had ZERO imagination when it pertains to my hair. absolutely zilch. Nada. Hiçbiri. Like, all of the energy I used to use to keep my hair looking somewhat respectable has been diverted toward other pursuits, like changing Connor’s onesie every five minutes. (How does a baby get so dirty? I honestly don’t know.)

So today my hair is up in a high pony, which will probably morph into a messy bun over the course of the next five minutes.

What makes you feel hopeful?
Reading my horoscope (can I get an amen from all my Gemini girls?), seeing people help one another, random acts of kindness and enjoying the sun rise above the oak trees outside my window.

Five words that describe your home?
Messy but full of love.

East coast or West Coast?
West Coast, baby! I grew up here and absolutely identify with that Cali life.

Something you need to get rid of but can’t?
Ohmygawd, the 10 million bottles of nearly finished body lotion in my bathroom.

I don’t know why I do this, but I feel like I have to use every single, solitary last drop — even the tiny droplets that cling to the insides of the tube or bottle — before I can throw one out.

So I’ll leave them upside down all over the counters just to be able to use those last few precious drops, but the thing is…this leads to me having multiple bottles of generally empty lotion all over the place.

It drives me (and El Hub, truth be told) absolutely nuts.


But I can’t stop!

Senin sıran. Aşağıdaki soruları yalnızca cevaplarınızla bir yoruma kopyalayıp yapıştırın. Onları okumayı dört gözle bekliyorum!

1. have you ever worn “Instagram makeup”?
2. how did you style your hair today?
3. What makes you feel hopeful?
4. five words that describe your home?
5. east coast or West Coast?
6. Something you need to get rid of but can’t?

Hey bebek! delighted fourth of July! I hope your day is filled with fun, fireworks and delicious barbecue. If you don’t mind, please save me the sides, will ya? I’m all about that potato salad and corn on the cob.

A little later this morning, we’ll probably go to Petaluma for lunch, just to get out of the house. We like to time it just ideal around Connor Claire’s meals, so we’ll get everything ready — her baby bag with the wipes and diapers and stuff, her stroller and Sophie the Giraffe — then we’ll change her, feed her and GO, GİT GİT! and try to make it back home before the next feeding time, haha!


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

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It’s a process.

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